So, I was watching a rather peculiar movie the other day in Philosophy Goes to Movies club and the movie was not like anything that I have ever seen. It's called ∏ (pi). Now, we just started watching the film so we are no where close to the end. Also taking into account that each club meeting is about 40 minutes long, it will probably take us a while to finish the movie. Nevertheless, after watching about the first 20 minutes of the movie, I suddenly became overwhelmed with my own imagination of our universe being invaded by mathematical concepts. I know it sounds totally absurd and ridiculous, but if you fast forward time, to about 200 years from now, new discoveries will have been made, which will have expanded the realm of mathematics. Now suppose that one person like Max Cohen, who is an expert with numbers and patterns, do find some sort of solution or formula to how everything works in the universe including you and me. Wouldn't it be creepy to know that there is a formula for everything that you do? The way you walk, talk and move can be analyzed with some fancy manipulation of pi. This would certainly be spine-chilling.
Okay, I think I should stop here.
I most definitely do not want to have nightmares tonight.
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